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Pricing comparison

Staffbase competes with Linchpin Mobile. That's why we are comparing Staffbase pricing with Linchping Mobile pricing. The complete pricing of Linchpin Intranet (including Linchpin Mobile) is on our website. You can also calculate your own pricing with our Linchpin price calculator.

User tierStaffbaseLinchpin Mobile
10 user750 Euro / month10 USD one-time
25 user750 Euro / month300 USD one-time
50 user750 Euro / month560 USD one-time
100 user750 Euro / month1275 USD one-time
250 user750 Euro / month2475 USD one-time
500 user1125 Euro / month3850 USD one-time
2000 user2375 Euro / month4950 USD one-time
10000 useronly upon request7590 USD one-time
unlimited useronly upon request9240 USD one-time

Feature comparison

From the feature list on www.staffbase.com
Own app in Apple AppStore

Own app in Google Playstore

Personalized News (Top-Down)

Personalized News (Bottom Up)

Rich-Text-Editing for News

Macros and Enhancements for News

Pages & Documents

Static content in Staffbase only. Not comparable with Confluence pages.
Employee Directory

Cafeteria Menu

Linchpin Mobile may need to adapt to customers needs (They look less complex though.)

Mobile readiness untested in Linchpin Mobile
Plugins and Enhancements

Staffbase is very very limited. Confluence has over 600 apps to enhance the platform.

Mobile readiness untested in Linchpin Mobile

Staffbase APIs are in beta and very limited: "Similar to the content API the documentation is still in a private preview but feel free to contact us about it!" Confluence has mature and versatile APIs.

Yes, but not specifically for mobile. Some enhancements may be necessary.
Admin Dashboard

Publication time

Unpublication time

Push to Smartphone

Push Notifications for Linchpin Mobile are planned for Summer 2018.
Push to Email

Via a separate app in Confluence. We feel, this is not a good idea.



Highlight / Sticky News

Article Preview

True for Desktop. Not for mobile viewports at this point though.
Strengths of Atlassian Confluence
Leading Team Collaboration Platform used by millions

Confluence has more than 5 million active users daily.
Leading Rich Text Editor in Web Browsers

Confluence gives you the power to create anything and everything, from meeting notes, project plans, product requirements, and more. Include multimedia, dynamic content, and make your work come to life.
Strong integration with Google ecosystem

Page in page rendering

Rich tables (like this one)

No UI support in Staffbase.
Inline preview of files within pages


There is an option in Staffbase to include files and let them be opened by the device though.
Quality Management - Good for creation and maintenance of quality handbooks

Collaboration on projects, documents and ideas in a new modern way

Create a space for every team, department, or major project to share knowledge, information and keep work organized. Use a structured hierarchy and a powerful search engine to find work quickly and easily.
Single source of truth for all work: Increase transparency in the whole organization on all levels of work (not only announcements)

Increased productivity for every employee with a desktop computer

Confluence combines the speed of creating on your own with the advantages of working together. Confluence makes it easy to create documents as a team, provide feedback in context and quickly iterate until your work is finalized.
Feedback in context (inline)

Leave your feedback on the work itself with inline, page and file commenting on any Confluence page. No more wasted time trying to find feedback trapped in your email or chat thread. (Staffbase only has page comments.)
Exporting content to Word, PDF, HTML and XML

Linchpin is designed so employees can quickly print documents when they need a hard copy. This way many documents in the intranet can be processed together and the need to use Office software is reduced. Pages can also be exported as a PDF or Word file with the click of a button.
Templates for pages and news

We include best practice templates to help you get started with popular pages, so you don't have to fuss with formatting.
Organizing content in spaces with hierarchies, tags and dynamic lists

Document Management for teams and the whole company

Share PDFs, Office docs, images, and more in Confluence. Automatic versioning, instant previews, full-text search, and pinned comments make it easy to manage your files.
Easy permissions for everyone (From Corporate Communication to all teams and their spaces)

Keep your site and your content secure with granular permissions that give you complete control.
Full integration into Atlassian Jira for Team Task Management

Connect to Jira to provide insight into your development work with automatic linking, quick issue creation and reports in Confluence.
Page and file versioning (transparent for all users)

Track every version and change that you and your teammates make to a page. Files are automatically versioned as well!
Apps to enhance the platform

Powerful add-ons that help you to run your business. There are over 800 Confluence apps available on the Atlassian Marketplace.
Network of hundreds of Atlassian partners (globally distributed)

No dependency on //SEIBERT/MEDIA
Strengths of Linchpin
IT part easily managed by IT (e.g. security, GDPR, ...)

Deployment of all data under control of corporate IT
(Locally hosted, private Cloud or Google Cloud)

Staffbase is SaaS-only. No controls for customer.
Touch Displays on company premises to reach all employees

This is even more present to non-desk employees than an employee app during working hours.
Bottom up communication approach
(Every Team can have / has a news channel.)

Microblogging for all, for groups, teams, departments, sites, ...

Staffbase does not have microblogging as in twitter or facebook (public and protected)
Added attention (for news) from all employees through collaboration on projects and daily work

Hundreds of new use cases. Good fit for every team.

Teams change and teams grow. Confluence is a flexible platform that supports the way your team works and can be customized to fit any and every type of need.
Expert search with filters

Workflows for approvals or quality management and other processes

Powerful diagramming that replaces Microsoft Visio

draw.io is fully compatible with G Suite as well.
Fully personalized navigation menus

App Center to integrate all legacy software

SSO to connect to all software and become the central hub for everything digital

Easy access to recent work and recent pages including favourites

Added security with Confluence behind the firewall

App automatically connected with a secure VPN gateway

Town hall and public corporate events with RSVP lists

Personalized content on every news and every page

Example: Your local representative (IT, HR, Sales) for questions in your location.
Archiving of old content with customizable rules

Visual how to guides for easy and good looking process documentations

Referring to StepShot.
Extranet use cases with external project members, customers and suppliers

Tens of Linchpin partners who specialize in Intranet use cases

Mobile second is a common approach for winning intranets

The leading intranet study is the Intranet Design Annual by the Nielsen Norman Group. Here is a summary of their 2018 study about mobile strategies:


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This content was last updated on 03/30/2021.

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