Get your custom mobile app based on Linchpin Mobile
by providing us with the information and files listed below.

Have a look at our checklist and contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page.
Learn more about what's possible with a custom branded app based on Linchpin Mobile

If you have any questions, we're happy to help! Contact us at or via live chat on this page.

Ordering a branded app based on Linchpin Mobile for your company requires you to review and accept our terms of service for this product.

Here's an overview of all the information and files we need to set up your custom app based on Linchpin Mobile. Every page contains detailed information on the information required to set up your company's custom Linchpin app.

We recommend reading all information up front and then collect the single files, text labels, and settings on a Confluence page, a shared folder, or a shared document in your company.

For a complete checklist (that you can print or export for use in your company) please scroll to the bottom of this page.

App name
  • The name of your app to be displayed on the device's home screen.
click here
App deployment option
  • Which deployment option do you prefer for your custom mobile app?
  • Does your company have the need for a different deployment option?

click here
App store details

In order to set up your app, we need some metadata information:

  • A subtitle for your app that briefly describes it or clarifies the name.
  • An extended description for your app (used for some deployment options like inhouse app stores).
  • Contact email address, Website URL, and privacy policy URL that apply for your app.
click here
Basic app settings
  • The primary color of your Corporate Design to be used in your customized app.
click here
Custom images
  • The icon of your app that will be used on the device's home screen as well as for some deployment options (e.g., Inhouse app stores).
  • Your app's launch screen image that will be displayed while the app is starting up on the user's device.
  • (Android only) The icon displayed with a push notification from your custom app in a mobile device's lock screen or notification center.
  • The background image that will be displayed on the app's welcome and switch systems screens.
  • Your company's logo that will be displayed on the welcome and switch system screens.
click here
Custom text labels
  • Welcome message that is displayed in the welcome screen when no system has yet been added by the user.
  • Instructions for adding a new system login to your app. The wizard consists of three steps: Instance settings (step 1), user credentials (step 2) and the instance's title (step 3).
  • Instructions for generating and scanning a login QR code in order to quickly add a new system login to your app. It consists of three steps (each step got its own screenshot and short description).
click here
Public app stream

At least one page (three pages recommended) with general information on the app and / or your company to be displayed in the app publicly (pre-login area). For each page you want to list in your app's public stream we need:

  • The page title that will be displayed in the page's teaser element within the public stream and also within the detail view of the page.
  • A subline that will be displayed in the page's teaser element within the public stream according to the teaser option selected.
  • The page content.
  • A teaser image for the page to be displayed within the page's teaser element within the public stream and the page header.
  • Whether to display the teaser image within the public stream (large, thumbnail) or not.

Also, we need the sort order for the pages - you might want certain information to be displayed more prominent than other.

click here

Checklist for a custom app based on Linchpin Mobile

This table sums up all information we need to set up a custom app for your company. You can just copy this checklist to your Intranet or print it in order to keep track of the progress while gathering all pieces required.

InformationYour answerDone?
App name (home screen)max. 12 characters
App name (store)

max. 30 characters

Deployment option iOS

One of the following:

Deployment option Android

One of the following:

  • Public Google Play Store
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)

App subtitleMax. 30 characters (English + German (if needed))
App descriptionMax. 4000 characters (English + German (if needed))
Contact email addressEmail for communication with broad public
Website URLPublicly available website of your company (NOT your Linchpin URL)
Privacy policy URLPublicly available privacy policy for your app (English + German (if needed))
Primary colorHEX color code
App icon

The image provided must meet all of the following requirements:

  • exactly 1024 x 1024px.
  • PNG format.
  • flattened layers with no transparency.
  • sRGB or P3 color space.
  • square shape with no rounded corners.

Launch image

The image provided must meet all of the following requirements:

  • exactly 2732 x 2732px.
  • PNG format.
  • sRGB or P3 color space.

Android push icon

The image provided must meet all of the following requirements:

  • recommended 512 x 512px or more.
  • reliable on alpha transparency only.
  • PNG format.
  • square shape.

Welcome screen backgroundThe image provided must meet all of the following requirements:
  • recommended 1024 x 1024px or more.
  • JPG format.

Corporate logoThe image provided must meet all of the following requirements:
  • high resolution recommended.
  • SVG format.
  • transparent background.

'Scan QR code' instruction screenshots

The images provided must meet all of the following requirements:

  • high resolution recommended.
  • JPG format.
  • 1.3:1 to 1.5:1 aspect ratio.
  • Localized screenshots for english and german language recommended.

Welcome message
  • Max. 550 characters (English + German (if needed))
  • You can welcome your new users here and give them basic instructions on what to do next (e.g. how to log into a new instance).

'Add new system' instructions
  • Title and description for each step are customizable.
  • Title: Max. 20 characters per step (English + German (if needed)).
  • Description: Max. 200 characters per step (English + German (if needed))

'Scan QR code' instructions
  • Short description for each step is customizable.
  • Max. 40 characters per step (English + German (if needed))

Public app stream content

See here for detailed requirements

At least one page (three pages recommended) with general information on the app and / or your company to be displayed in the app publicly (pre-login area). For each page (English + German (if needed)) you want to list in your app's public stream we need:

  • The page title that will be displayed in the page's teaser element within the public stream and also within the detail view of the page.
  • A subline that will be displayed in the page's teaser element within the public stream according to the teaser option selected.
  • The page content.
  • A teaser image for the page to be displayed within the page's teaser element within the public stream and the page header.
  • Whether to display the teaser image within the public stream (large, thumbnail) or not.

Also, we need the sort order for the pages - you might want certain information to be displayed more prominent than other.

Terms of serviceReview and accept the terms of service for a branded app based on Linchpin Mobile for your company.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 02/02/2022.

This content hasn't been updated in a while. That doesn't have to be a problem. Some of our pages live for years without becoming obsolete. Please click this link if you want us to update this page. Old content can be incorrect, misleading or outdated. Please get in contact with us via a form on this page, our live chat or via email with if you are in doubt, have a question, suggestion, or want changes from us.